a.s.r. Retail Portfolio - BREEAM

April 2022

In this piece we look back on a certification on a very large retail portfolio in the Netherlands. This video was displayed on the annual BREEAM Congres to inspire professionals.


  • Video Production

Congres Video Intro - BREEAM

April 2022

In this piece we look back on beautiful projects to inspire more positive change. This video was displayed on the annual BREEAM Congres to inspire professionals.


  • Video Production

Video New Regulations - DGBC

December 2021

In this project we announced a change in the regulations of BREEAM in-use. These 2 pieces of content communicate the benefits of the new regulations, and prepares the experts for the changes that were made.


  • Video Production

Mini Doc - Largest Energy Producing Floating Office In The World!

September 2021

In this project we solidified the BREEAM brand by showing the certification guidelines in real life. This way we showed the impact that the certificate makes in a tangible way. Thus solidifying the brand and the impact it truly has on the world.


  • Video Production

Tribers Recruitment Campaign

July 2021

In this project I worked together with Tribers and Bluebump Marketing to arrange a fitting video solution for their marketing message. All of this needed to happen in a very short timespan. 5 interviews (1-3 min), 3 ads and 1 aftermovie. From concept to end products within 2 weeks!


  • Video Production

Sustainability at The Rijksmuseum

June 2021

I made a mini doc for The Rijksmuseum commissioned by BREEAM to chart their sustainability. I custom made the animation for the function title and name.


  • Video Production

BBB Promo

May 2021

I made a promo for my friends at BBB for their online event. Really fun shoot!


  • Animation

Den Ouden Promo

Jan 2021

A promo for an interior store! I did all the shooting and editing myself!


  • Videography

Podcast Inside Inside

November 2020

For inside inside, I produced a few podcasts from a to z. From renting the camera's and audio gear, to producing in the edit room. At first they wanted camera footage with the podcasts but in the end they decided to release them without the video footage. I learned a lot from this experience. For example, a huge pain in the ass were the variable lights in the office building. These lights were automatically adjusting their brightness to the cloudcast that day. And there was no way to have continuous lighting. So in the editing room, I needed to manually adjust the brightness of the image. That was definetly a good learning experience. In an ideal case, I would have lighted the room myself. But this was not an option with the budget. It was a very cool experience overall and I hope to do many podcasts in the future! Below I added some footage of the cameras I used to let you get an idea what is possible! The last video is a drawing of the preparation I did for this podcast.


  • Podcast Production

BBB Animation

April 2020

I made an animation for my friends at BBB in after effects for their branding. All the faculties are visualized in their own logo and blended together seamlessly.


  • Animation

BBB Career Event Aftermovie

June 2019

I made an aftermovie for my friends at BBB Career event. This was my first major gig with my newly founded company: Max van Laarhoven Video/Photo. I decided to put in the work and learn Adobe After Effects on the go and spent 8 hours on the first 3 seconds of this video. But damn, I love that animation. Have an awesome day and enjoy watching!


  • Video Production