DanceFever Registration

June 2019

DanceFever asked me for a follow up gig! Really stoked they liked my work! Cool to do just a static registration for once! I included the first 2 performances of the show for reference. I rented a separate sound recorder and hooked it up to the sound mixer for crispy audio! Hmmm!


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SBBN Sintra

April 2019

Many of my friends are part of SBBN, this is a music association that focusses on producing bigband songs. This time they asked me to record an event they had organised. They needed different angles so multiple camera's were needed. Because the night I wanted to just be a supporter/visitor was scheduled to be a recording day for the rented cameras, the moving images captured by me were shot on a different day. This made it extremely challenging to sync the production in post. However I am still proud to say that we have succeeded after long edit sessions. And now I am happy to say that it is finally finished :). The first video was edited by me. And the 2 videos below were edited by a different editor, but still shot by me.


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