Soundlab Promo

December 2019

While party'ing I shot an aftermovie of a Soundlab evening. Soundlab is a student association to connect producers and dj's, and make music together.


  • Video Production

Doornroosje DJ Rush

Oktober 2019

I loved being part of the rave and hope to do many more projects for Doornroosje in the future! It was my first big aftermovie.


  • Video Production

DanceFever Gala After-Movie

December 2018

A friend asked me if I could make an aftermovie for his dance association. So I went to the gala and tried to focus on some new knowledge I enquired around this time. Namely, in camera transitions. In the beginning of the video you can spot them. I think this went very well and I am looking forward to use them again. It was wonderful to work with Dancefever! And I am glad that they trusted me and to let me create something beautiful.


  • Video Production